By request of a Metafilter user who was wondering what to do with a small bathroom.
Here’s the bathroom. I added a lot of extra space with shelves, hooks, cabinets, and a second towel rack. Here you can see the upper shelf still hasn’t been stained, but I couldn’t wait to use it. Notice also the detail in the paint job at the corner of the room.The second higher shelf holds a lot of stuff without being overly cluttered. Soap dish and soap dispenser, along with a few more items, are on the countertop surface below; drips aren’t a problem there.I love that second medicine cabinet so much. By the way, both medicine cabinets have two extra shelves, each, that I added. A 1.5″ high shelf in a medicine cabinet really helps provide storage for tubes, clippers, files, earplug holders, etc. The white plaque on the wall is a homemade horsehair hygrometer.I like this view of the two towel bars, plus a bonus hook, next to the shower curtain. The wood at the end of the shower curtain was supposed to be temporary to protect the wall paint, but I admit it’s been there awhile.Here you can see all the towel / clothing hanging hardware. It’s extremely handy. The fact that the upper towel rod has two parallel bars can allow more airflow in a damp towel so it dries faster.Perhaps my proudest achievement: the “finally enough shelf storage” in the shower solution. Notice that it’s impossible to mount shelves on the bathtub surround, so they are suspended from wall studs above. I have had trouble finding just the right chain for suspending them. The black coated chain is visually heavy, but effective. The construction is very simple: three pieces of wood, each with hooks screwed on top of all four corners; the top two shelves have hooks on their undersides also.