16 July 2023: I was busy, so he brought three pompoms to my desk, one after the other, to make sure we could play a LOT of fetch once I was done. I finally noticed them, and he instantly got into position to chase one down the stairs. I haven’t seen him running down the stairs after them (I’m too far back), but it sounds terrible, like he’s banging his legs on every other step. He’s 14! He runs back up, though, often with yet another pompom to chase.

Earlier photos
He has opinions about my computer habits.

Whoever adopts him will need to take his need for company seriously. He’s gotten better lately, but it’s easy to understand why he doesn’t want to be alone:
The photo below is from shortly after I reclaimed him from the shelter. His previous owner had passed and he’d been left alone in an apartment for two weeks. He has always been a very attached, snuggly, attentive, anxious lap cat, even when I first fostered him as a kitten in 2009. Being abandoned like that would be a lot for any kitty.

More photos
Some near the bottom show just how much he needed human contact at first.
Also, he is very red for an orange tabby. Plus: those eyes! Those whiskers! Those crossed paws!